Angel’s  Foundation

Helping Poor Children’s Education and livelihood

The project is to improve the educational status of poor children. The specific objectives of the project are to initiate the community to advocate for support and education of poor children, to increase the enrollment of students in school, to increase the access of poor children to education, to change the life condition of poor children through education and to empower the households of poor children economically.


Education is central to all and especially to women in the fight against poverty and discrimination, access to education. This is because of several reasons. The first cause is poverty itself. Reversing this situation is of paramount importance for empowering poor children and their families to this end, Angel’s Foundation has planned to support the poor children’s Education and also empower their families economically to sustain their education but finance is a challenge.


The specific objectives of the project are to initiate the community to advocate for support and education of poor children, to increase the enrolment of students in school, to increase the access of poor children to education, to change the life condition of poor children through education and to empower the households of poor children economically. Angel’s Foundation has planned to support the poor children’s Education and also empower their families economically to sustain their studies.

Long-Term Impact

To improve the educational status of  poor Children and sustain their Schooling in poor communities, to also empower their families economically my providing them with 2 ruminant each to sustain the poor children Education. The educational status of poor children will improve. poor children shall access school fees on a term basis. poor children shall access schoolarship and training materials on a termly basis.  poor children shall access nutrition


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